DHS Destroys Families for Cash
Civil and Human Rights
Violation of Your Constitutional Rights to Due Process - Secret Courts
Stopping Kidjacking
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"Millions of dollars and dozens of personnel lined up against you in court and all you have is a dead beat lawyer who is NOT an advocate."(There are exceptions albeit rare)

Start a CPS site for your state. The fight against the evil actions of CPS and courts is spreading across the country. Get organized.

Kidjacking for Cash
You had no idea
What they are going to do to you and your family
Court appointed lawyers
Judges Suppress Evidence That Doesn't FIT the Narrative
DHS Child Trauma
Your caseworker lies
So do the cops
No vetting of accusers
DHS hides discovery documents
DHS delays
Politicians Don't Care
*** Case Workers and Supervisors ***
A Permanent Record of Individuals Who Lie and Destroy Families and CONSENTED to lies!

Aubrey Haverkost
Jen Mason
Stacey Daeschner
Mark Walsh
Lorelle LaVine
Rose Carpenter
Ellie Kataura
Arthur R Warren "Ritter"
Kelly Hanna
Rachel Wadsworth
Casa Worker Neil Clark
Fariborz Pakseresht
Ormond Fredericks
Steve Walls
Stacey Hedlund Liberty House Salem
Ross Waite, Case Worker, Yamhill County
Sara Scott, Sara Picket, Dallas, Oregon
Jaclyn.a.Nix Dallas, Oregon
Troy Clinton Oregon Board of Licensed Social workers
Erin Dannecker, Polk Behavioral Health
Beverly L Boatman
Amber McClelland
Lorelle Goulde - Supervisor

A special mention of CASA
"Court Appointe Special Advocate"
CASA at every turn has done their
best to encourage our kids NOT to
return home. They have only spoken
against us.
I would point out Leia Ellingsworth
as a chief offender in this. I can
find no positive statements by Neil
Clark of CASA either.

CRB Administrator Lene P. Garrett

The rest of the liars who are not listed here know who they are

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This page is dedicated to all the families and children who have suffered under the cruelty, antagonism, lies, distortions, betrayals, delays, failures to answer emails of all the dhs case worker and manager bitches. And to all the people state wide making money off the removal of children and destruction of families providing "services". You know the scam, you see it every day, oppose it.

Sara Pickett

How to Fight Back Against DHS
Be Loud - Be VERY LOUD!!!

Oregon's Corrupt Family Court
Termination of Parental Rights (Stealing Children)
We Never Give Up

Oregon's corrupt family courts conceal evidence, block testimony beneficial to families, accept as "credible" lying witnesses, and cash out on kids taken from families and loving homes.

Carissa Vela

You may need to download an app to play higher resolution .mov file below.

This video "stars" the following characters for their role in this case:
Ah Lmm McDaniel
Ah Peh McDaniel
Judge Norm Hill
CASA DHS CPS Cash for Kids Aubrey Haverkost Neil Clark Leia Ellingsworth Erin Dannecker Sara Scott Pickett Ross Waite Beverly Boatman Jacklyn Nix Rachel Wadsworth Fairborz Pakseresht Kelly Hanna Ellie Kataura Jen Mason Mark Walsh Kate Woodrum Rose Carpenter Arthur Warren Lorelle LaVine Ormond Fredericks Liberty House Stacey Hedlund Family Court Lucinda Lynn Demee King Brian Raymer Krystin Houston Matt Jarvis Stacey Daeschner The Accuser Willamette College of Law Katie Jones Carissa Vela Aaron Vela Monmouth Christian Church Crystal Dollar
If I missed your name, I apologize in advance.

The DHS Child Stealing Factory

Did you know that the average time a child spends in foster care in Oregon is 570 days? Currently the number of childrebn in foster care in Oregon is approximately 8,000. That means that DHS has to take away 8,000 new children every 570 days in order to keep their industry going.

Download your free copy of this 40 page booklet now.
No copyright, send to your friends.
(There may still be some typos.)

Separating Children From Their Families is State Sponsored Terrorism
Administrators talk about reform of DHS. How will they reform such a massive cash cow that is busy stealing people's children? Do you have any idea how many people are involved in this, how many third party contractors, how many church people? How will they do reform without firing and arresting case workers and supervisor who lie and are so absolutely corrupt? No one is accountable. Like rogue soldiers in the SS, case workers are protected by corrupt supervisors and administrators who claim to not know what is going on. Multi Million dollar settlements are a drop in the bucket to Oregon's Billion dollar child trafficking industry, "Just the cost of doing business!" Hundreds of millions of dollars are available to the DHS war chest to fight parents who have to come to court with second rate lawyers and few advocates and limited or no money to fight their case. And the public, YOUR neighbors, consent to this.


Sara "Train Killer" Scott Crushes The Dreams of Children
I think that DHS hires women whose first specialty is that they are cruel, powered by a nuclear reactor of bitterness that they are not getting any younger.

So there is this little boy and this little girl, and they really enjoy going to their mother's house despite the fact that DHS would like to give them away to "nice" goody goody two shoe church people who are "doing God's work" while trying to steal other people's children (and think the world does not know). So these children love their mother, their mother loves them and they enjoy the time they get together that is rationed out by DHS case workers like Sara Scott and Jackie the Nix.

Now on this occasion as it became increasingly obvious that the children were being given too much screen time by DHS minions, the father decided that what a young boy needs is REAL stuff to play with, to interact with.

Now there were horses at his farm till they had to be shipped out after they got loose one dark night and the DA made a federal criminal case out of it, costing the family a lot of money. "No horses for you kids" they said, cause that is what happened. So the father thought long through his memories as a little boy and realized that what his son needed was an electric train from times gone past just like the one that he had and enjoyed so much. So he found an original set from decades ago and bought it for his son.

As it turned out he wanted to bring it to the visit but the seller couldn't get off from work in time so all he could do was tell the little boy that he was picking it up and it would be all set up for the little boy on Monday when he went to visit his mom, all ready to go.

The little boy's eyes got wide with excitement and questions. So the train was picked up, tested to make sure all was in order and sent by pony express to the little boys REAL house where his REAL mother lived and set up on the floor all ready to go so that it would be the first thing that this little boy and his sister would see when they walked in. They both would have great fun. What a nice surprise.

Now the wicked witches of DHS listen in to every little word the father discusses with the children and this was no exception. What ever excuses they could make it would not cover up their evil murder of a dream. So Monday morning, before the litle boy and little girl could be picked up to go and see this much anticipated train that their REAL father had bought them, Sara Scott called the mother, not her attorney like she is suppose to do, but the REAL mother and said, "NO VISIT AT THE HOME ANYMORE!!!"

So the train that the little boy was promised by his father, the little boy didn't get to go see it and all the lies from the bitches at DHS and Sara "Train Killer" Scott (Used to work at Walmart but definitely not selling toys to children) won't make what they did go away.

The kids will grow up, they will have joys, they will learn that yes, there are evil people in the world who like to have the pleasure of keeping little boys from getting trains. And Sara Scott will be old and still evil, and still cruel and old age will probably not be so nice to such a hopeless woman. Neither will the other residents of Dante's Inferno.

And why do DHS caseworkers all look like Jabba the Hutt?

Facts Are Dangerous
Why doesn't your judge want to know facts in the case? He knows they are there, he doesn't want to see them. Contradictions to the narrative?
Why does the DOJ Attorney want to block exhibits that are bringing evidence into the case that was previously no admitted? Why would anyone talking about justice want to EXCLUDE evidence? "Gee, this is probably a waste of time, but let's see what you have there." Maybe a hint of curiousity unless you intentionally want to block evidence that shows you were WRONG the whole time? That someone lied under oath in YOUR court, but no big deal right?
Why would you line out multiple times that DHS had failed to make reasonable effort but never asked them to do their job? A lot of people are asking and the asking will go on for the next 10-20 years. An international audience is examining the case and yes, they are asking how can this be possible. Generally when a witness lies under oath over and over in the court, they can not be considered a credible witness.
Delay, Delay and then go for adoption! Exactly like irt is spelled out in the painting above.
So by people thinking that by terminationg parental rights they solve a problem, they are wrong. Because eventually the children discover the betrayal, they discover who lied and what they lied about. Nothing is fixed. And what about the parents? Do they give up? No. Do law suits go on? Yes. The only people who lose out by the lie are the children and all the lost time. Some ex wives lie for decades and either they have children who learn the truth or they have children who become afraid of the truth..... for the rest of their lives. These are crimes of state.

A Very "Dangerous" Bowl of Soup
So let me get this straight. DHS takes a Thai woman's kids for five years. Plan in reunification. They block and antagonize her at every step of the way. She has two babies still in care. She wants to take them down the street from the DHS building 4 blocks to a Thai restaurant to have a bowl of soup and see what Thai food is like. They after all are Thai. Mind you, in DHS procedures the cultural background of the children is suppose to be addressed and supported. DHS makes excuses and accusations and will let the children go to Walmart but won't let them go to have a meal at a Thai restaurant. Mom "isn't cooperative enough" they claim. Always something. So in FIVE YEARS DHS Dallas, Oregon has only allowed this Thai mother to take her kids for a meal in town ONE TIME. The only way this could be the case is if people like Jackie Nix, Sara Scott and similar kinds of people kept mandating this kind of treatment.

Erin Dannecker
How DHS has everyone in their pocket

My son is in foster care. He is having difficulties. Separation from his siblings is not helping. He has three older brothers. DHS Dallas has done their best to isolate him from his bothers and father. An hour a week is nothing. He has been sent to see a counselor. Erin Dannecker. When Erin was asked about what she included in her counseling about my son's relationships with his older brothers and father who all love him, she stated that DHS Dallas told her that wasn't to be discussed with my son, nor were we to be included in any discussions with my son. Quite insane since we are an important part of his life and DHS has not made any attempt to include us. So basically Erin was TOLD what the outcomes were suppose to be. For a professional this is unethical, to exclude factors that are known to be important. When talking to Troy Clinton of the Board of Licensed Social Workers he stated that Erin had to do anything that DHS told her to do (even if it is unethical and unprofessional? Apparently so).
And this is how DHS breaks up families and sets up the adoption of kids for cash.

DHS Salaries
The interesting thing about DHS workers is that they don't want to admit that they are all in this together, making money off destroying families and taking children in what is nothing less than a child trafficking INDUSTRY in the state of Oregon. About $10,000 per month per child in cash flow. About a BILLION dollar a year industry in Oregon. In 2021 there were 8,389 in Oregon foster care. Do the math. And every worker at DHS claims that somehow, in their job, they are not related to the reality of what DHS is doing to families. "Oh, I just supervise visits. Oh I'm just a driver, I don't know anything about that."

So for the Dallas DHS office Jaclyn Nix makes $73,735.07 per year.
Sara Scott makes $49,778 per year.

Case Worker Ross Waite Lies in Family Report:
I got a new lawyer. And for the recent court meeting that was coming up Ross Waite my new case worker wrote up a "Family Report" that was given to my new lawyer and all other parties involved in the case.

Problem is that in the Family Report Ross Waite lieds and left out all the details that showed that he lied. And of course the lies were to show that our kids should not come home.

I have documented the lies he made in the Family Report in saved texts between both Ross Waite and Tina the lady who takes the kids to the visits.

CRB Meetings:
CRB meetings are held every six months and our's is run by administrator Lene P. Garrett. The letter says that parents will have time to speak. Relative parties. This is not true. The CRB has at least 10 points to go over and there is not time. 1 hour and 20 minurtes is all. Basically it is a sham. By the time they get DHS's opinions on everything to make a recommendation to the court, the time is up. No one says anything positive on the side of the family. The lawyers for the parents are mostly silent, not strong. The lawyers trying to TPR the kids snipe away. Lies are promoted and furthered, as if truths. Children speak up but then Lene mutes them when she doesn't like what they have to say.

It was asked, "what cultural considerations were being taken regarding the family?"
I laughed "Are you kidding, in Polkkk county?"

My phone dropped the call and Lene would not let me back into the meeting.

January 9, 2022
Starting new Facebook Group "Oregon's DHS/CPS Child Trafficking Mafia"
A weekly zoom meeting will be announced.Thursday Nights at 7pm each week. Join the facebook group for ID and Password.

December 26, 2021
As our kids enter their 5th year in foster care I contemplate what can be done. Maybe I think both for those three children of mine but also about the battle against the evil empire of trafficking that DHS/CPS and Children's Services have become. As they build more and bigger offices, hire more case workers, gain bigger and bigger budgets as if to repair their ongoing corruption, dishonesty and failures.

I mean follow the money when you are thinking about change. If you want to shut down Bonneville and rip out the dam you have to think about all the money flowing into that, a huge infrastructure of money and all the people who are getting that money and all the politicians that support them getting that money because so many local citizens are involved and more than likely it isn't going to happen. You aren't going to shut the dam down.

Then another thing comes to mind when thinking of attrocities and the foster care system. "Kids for Cash" is certainly a well documented attrocity. For comparison of how this works we have to ask "how did Hitler get all the Germans to go along with what "he" did?" Well it wasn't exactly "he" it was a huge hierarchy of people who supported and were a part of the operation. Right on down the line. So Germans ratted out their Jewish neighbors and probably cashed in on cleaning out their houses. The Gestapo held thousands of auctions of Jewish possessions where everyday Germans could buy things cheap.

(See this article: German Households Still Make Use of Stolen Heirlooms)

So the point being that MANY households were knowingly involved in the plunder of their neighbors. The foster system has grown to the point that it is no different. Large numbers of individuals derive their income from providing services to this beast. Its the people next door, its the people two doors down and then its the kids across the street who used to play in the front yard. Gone. Just like Jews. Gone. So when you approach a state legislator about the unjust removal of these kids they turn a deaf ear to it because so many of their constituants are involved in making money off of these stolen kids.

And the grief the parents go through is a death camp in itself. Death of the soul, death of all that they hold dear, death of all those years with their children growing up.

In Oregon the child trafficking by the state foster system is a hundreds of millions of dollars enterprise, with hundreds of millions in federal matching funds and millions in federal adoption incentives to promote terminating parental rights so DHS/CPS can get cash bonuses of $5,000 to $6,000 each time they disappear one of these children.

So how are you going to stop THAT???

Well we are going to have to get loud. Real loud. We are going to have to help parents fight this system that is terrorizing children. We are going to have to help parents confront their neighbors and friends who are making a cash cow out of taking their children, somebody's children. Your children!

From the Newyorker: Taking Children From Their Parents is a Form of State Terror

As well, further up the food chain we have all the managers, administrators, fleets of vehicles, administration buildings, lawyers, judges and a host of "contractors" who provide "services" that are expenses racked up to each one of these children's accounts. The children are needed so services can be charged. You can't grow the system without taking more children. If the number of kids in foster care in Oregon is 5,000 or 8,000 they do age out and that means you have to keep replacing them, and you have to keep each child as long as possible. Get them into a foster home and keep the cash machine running.

In Oregon the state took over all the county courts and the judges provide lawyers with jobs assigning them to each child. Meanwhile parents who love their children spend tens of thousands of dollars fighting the court and DHS and the lawyers to get their kids back right under the noses of the public which CLAIMS THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON! More times than not the judges are in the pocket of DHS and let the game run on at the family's expense. Poor parents get dead beat court appointed lawyers who are useless in defending the families. They are lawyers. At the end of the day how can a lawyer be an advocate? The families need advocates.


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